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Spiritual Reading

Reading Messages From Higher Intelligence,
Akashic Records And More

萬事皆可問。靈性解讀讓人看見真相,並從中汲取建議、啟發,這也使靈性解讀成為LIFE & PRACTICE最受歡迎的服務。針對每個人的需求和狀況,我會詢問並解讀來自更高智慧(造物主/宇宙、高我、指導靈......)、阿卡西紀錄(前世)……等等的訊息。

You can ask anything, and everything has an answer. Spiritual Reading reveals truths, and provides useful suggestions and inspiration, which makes Reading the most popular program in LIFE & PRACTICE. Upon your needs and conditions, I willl connect and read messages from higher intelligence (e.g. the Creator, or the universe), higher-self, higher spirits, Akashic records (past lives), etc. 

動物溝通Animal Communication


Just like human beings, every animal gets his/her own personality and preference. When talking to the animals, I use universal language to communicate. Also, a sense of compassion and skills from the communicator is highly required in order to make them feel comfortable and talk freely in the first meeting. After building a mutual trust and bond, I can assist them and their family, and the family can better understand their pets and vice versa. 

靈性解讀採用遠距方式進行,以上僅簡單介紹最常用的項目。因應每人不同的需求,LIFE & PRACTICE提供更多解讀服務,待你體驗。

Most Spiritual Reading programs are performed  remotely. The above is only a brief introduction to my most popular ones. LIFE & PRACTICE offers more programs according to individuals' needs. 

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